Talon enables you to write code, play games, and control your computer with voice, eye tracking, or noises.
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A productivity browser for focused work Sidekick makes the Internet distraction-free. It speeds up your workflow and protects against attention killers Loved by 70,000+ from companies likeManagersHeads of MarketingHeads of ProductHeads of DesignCEOsFoundersCo-foundersproduct managersUX designersengineering managersprogram managersbusiness analystsproduct marketing managersproduct designersManagers
Unclack Unclack is the small but mighty Mac utility that mutes your microphone while you type. No more getting called out for clacking your way through a Zoom meeting on your clicky keyboard! Download Unclack for macOS ↓ Catalina 10.15 & above Auto-magic Unclack automatically mutes your microphone while you’re typing and un-mutes you when you stop, no interaction required. Versatile Zoom, Skype, W
画像に素早くモザイクやぼかし、黒塗りを入れられるユーティリティ「Redacted for Mac」が無料になっています。詳細は以下から。 Redacted for Macは元Hipstamaticで現在はAlong Inc.のエンジニアを務めるSam Soffesさんが2015年にリリースしたMac用画像編集アプリで、免許証や書類などの画像に写っている個人情報をピクセル化やぼかし(Blur)、黒塗りで素早く消せる機能がありますが、このRedactedが無料になっています。 Soffesさんは先月Redactedを約2年ぶりにアップデートし、IntelとApple Siliconに対応したUniversal 2 Binary化しましたが、しばらくアップデートしていなかったとしてアプリを無料化したそうで、システム要件はmacOS 10.13 High Sierra以上となっており、編集した画像
240 A similar source of latency is USB scanning. The USB protocol pulls input from the keyboard, so the keyboard needs to wait for the USB scan to send its key presses. Low speed USB scans at 125hz, introducing an unavoidable ~8ms max and ~4ms average delay. More recent USB versions scan at 1000hz or more, minimizing the latency impact. There are many other potential sources of latency in input de
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Compatibility Note: iGlasses is not compatible with FaceTime, Photo Booth, or the latest version of Skype due to restrictions on virtual cameras. Quicktime Player does not support iGlasses, or other virtual cameras, on MacOS 11 (Big Sur). You’ve never looked so good With iGlasses, you can tap into brilliant effects and style adjustments to achieve your perfect webcam look. Personal fine tuning Lig
Get truly powerful control over all the audio on your Mac! Fast Access to System Devices Control the settings for your Mac's Output, Input, and Sound Effects audio devices right from your menu bar. Per-Application Audio Control Change the volume of any app relative to others, and send individual apps to different audio outputs.
Illustration, Design, Motion Graphics, Comics, and maybe some other things by Jarom Vogel