6/13 At 8:09 a.m. local time a U.S. aircraft observed an IRGC Hendijan class patrol boat and multiple IRGC fast attack craft/fast inshore attack craft (FAC/FIAC) in the vicinity of the M/T Altair./ At 9:12 a.m. local time a U.S. aircraft observes the FAC/FIAC pull a raft from the M/T Altair(

EreniEreni のブックマーク 2019/06/14 14:34



U.S. Releases Video of Alleged Gulf of Oman Tanker Attacks - USNI News

    U.S. Releases Video of Alleged Gulf of Oman Tanker Attacks Screenshot of a US Navy video in which US Central Command claims Iranian forces are captured removing a limpet mine from Kokuka Courageous...

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