Why would a company rent an office in a tiny town in East Texas, put a nameplate on the door, and leave it completely empty for a year? The answer involves a controversial billionaire physicist in Seattle, a 40 pound cookbook, and a war waging right now, all across the software and tech industries.

ita-wasaita-wasa のブックマーク 2011/08/24 13:41



Why would a company rent an office in a tiny town in East Texas, put a nameplate on the door, and leave it completely empty for a year? The answer involves a controversial billionaire physicist in Seattle, a 40 pound cookbook, and a war waging right now,

    積読・読書途中のに関する雑感や、オンライン上の面白コンテンツ、そして世の中の不合理に対する暴言を脊髄反射的に記す。 yutakashino (柏野 雄太) another weblog: kashino.exblog.jp Archive Why would a co...

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