unyounyo のブックマーク 2012/05/23 02:36
A new look at prolonged radiation exposure[Bevin Engelward][Jacquelyn Yanch][低線量被曝][動物実験]「マウスにホルミシス」的なものは他でも見た。(信頼度は評価できない)2012/05/23 02:36
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A new study from MIT scientists suggests that the guidelines governments use to determine when to evacuate people following a nuclear accident may be too conservative. The study, led by Bevin Engel...
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unyounyo のブックマーク 2012/05/23 02:36
A new look at prolonged radiation exposure
A new study from MIT scientists suggests that the guidelines governments use to determine when to evacuate people following a nuclear accident may be too conservative. The study, led by Bevin Engel...
29 人がブックマーク・10 件のコメント
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