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  • Vedic Astrology with Ernst Wilhelm | Vedic-Astrology.net

    The Scientific and Mathematically Precise Astrologies of Parashara and Jaimini Please download my Free eBook, Energies of the 27 Nakshatras, with a new translation of the Nakshatra Sutras from the Taittiriya Brahmana (English and Romanian versions). Please be sure to visit our New Online Astrology Video learning center. Vedic Astrology is undergoing a huge renaissance - from baseless memorization

    fantasmo 2008/02/09
    先生の書いた本はどれも優れモノ。几帳面な性格のドイツ人らしく、決め細やかな仕上がり。読んで絶対に損しません。講義の音声ファイルも一部が無料で聞けるので、英語の聞き取りが得意な方はどうぞ。by ちゃーとさん
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