Ring provides a common abstraction for building web applications in Clojure. It defines handlers as functions that take HTTP requests as maps and return responses as maps. Adapters run handlers on web servers, and middleware can augment handlers. This allows writing web apps in an idiomatic way and sharing code across frameworks that target the Ring spec.Read less
Hello everyone,I've seen a lot of articles on HN recently talking about Clojure. I had a quick look at a few pages (Wikipedia, etc...), and I can't help but think that it sounds like the new cool language, pretty much like Ruby in 2007. But to get a better idea, I'd like to hear the feedback from the community: Who is using Clojure (in real-life cases), and what are you doing with it? Bonus points
One useful utility built into Clojure is the ability to pop up a Swing app that can inspect a data structure. The inspector comes with clojure core so just do this to start using it: user=> (use 'clojure.inspector) If we want to look at our data in the form of a tree we can do something like this: (inspect-tree {:a 1 :b 2 :c [1 2 3 {:d 4 :e 5 :f [6 7 8]}]}) which will yield the following gui: Or t
On this page I tried to collect links to all existing video materials about Clojure — video-lectures & tutorials, presentations at conferences, etc. if you have more links to video materials, please leave them in comments to this page! Lectures, Tutorials and Screencasts http://www.youtube.com/user/ClojureTV — contains set of video-lectures & presentation about Clojure by Rich Hickey (and other de
Aristotle Pagaltzis has written a very nice and concise XPath intro. Of all the various standards in the XML ecosystem, I like XPath best, most of all because it enables interaction with an XML document or message in a way that matches Postel’s law: It’s a great way to implement code that doesn’t break each time a minor change is made to an XML format. In fact I’d say it’s one the few very good re
Practical guide of clojure concurrency(var, ref, atom, agent)Read less
Programming Clojureを読み終えた。 Common Lispとは微妙に違うので、コードを書く時にとまどう事も多いが、豊富なJavaライブラリを直接使用できるのは大きな利点である。 emacs + slimeを使えば、動作確認をしながらコードを書けるので、サクサク開発できて、なかなか便利である。 一通りの機能は理解できたので、いろいろ書いてみようと思う。 ネットワーク関係が面白いので、まずはecho serverを作ってみた。 sample/echo.clj (ns sample.echo (:use [clojure.contrib.server-socket :only (create-server close-server)])) (def port-no 3000) (defn echo [in out] (let [caption (str "*echo(" (.g
This article describes the Leiningen tool (version 1.x) for building of projects, written in Clojure.5 What is Leiningen? Leiningen is a tool for building of code, written in Clojure. Leiningen is much simpler comparing with Maven and allows to define project's configuration using Clojure1. Leiningen uses external tools and libraries to resolve dependencies and build a code, so it's pretty small.
From the log of Alex Osborne 2009-12-13. Widefinder 2 with Clojure Like many Clojurists, I’ve been pretty avidly following Tim Bray’s experiences. Recently Tim has been been trying to implement the Widefinder 2 benchmark and had apparently been struggling to get it to perform well. This was of course an irresistible challenge and I had to have a go at it myself. I cooked up my own version which se
Clojureでキーワード+オプショナル引数に対応するマクロを拡張して、ClojureのリポジトリClojarsに登録しました。ライブラリの名前はfunkyです。 Clojarsはfunky 0.0.6 - Clojars ソースコードはmaoe/funky · GitHub APIリファレンスはfunky - Overview 拡張点は次の通りです。 名前をdefnk*からdefnkへ変更 プライベート関数defn-相当のdefnk-を追加 無名関数fn相当のfnkを追加 局所的な関数を束縛するletfn相当のletfnkを追加 defnkもfnkを使って書き直した 使い方はREADME.markdownにも書いてありますが、こんな感じです。 user> (use 'org.clojars.maoe.funky) nil user> (defnk f [a :b "default-b"
ca side-by-side reference sheet grammar and execution | variables and expressions | arithmetic and logic | strings | regular expressions | dates and time | lists | fixed-length arrays | dictionaries | user-defined types | functions | execution control | exceptions | streams | emacs buffers | files | directories | processes and environment | libraries and namespaces | objects | lisp macros | reflec