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In the last Damn Cool Algorithms post, we learned about Fountain Codes, a clever probabilistic algorithm that allows you break a large file up into a virtually infinite number of small chunks, such that you can collect any subset of those chunks - as long as you collect a few more than the volume of the original file - and be able to reconstruct the original file. This is a very cool construction,
Eleven Equations True Computer Science Geeks Should (at Least Pretend to) Know This idea is a complete rip off an article that appeared in Wired a little while ago and it got me thinking what would my list for Computer Science look like? Plus I thought it might be a fun post and unlike the Wired list this one goes to eleven. So here they are in no particular order: Binomial Coefficient The Binom What is HELIX Helix is a generic cluster management framework used for automatic management of partitioned, replicated and distributed resources hosted on a group of nodes(cluster). Helix provides the following features Automatic assignment of resource/partition to nodes Node Failure detection and recovery Dynamic addition of Resources Dynamic Addition of nodes to the cluster Pluggable
paramiko is a module for python 2.2 (or higher) that implements the SSH2 protocol for secure (encrypted and authenticated) connections to remote machines. unlike SSL (aka TLS), SSH2 protocol does not require heirarchical certificates signed by a powerful central authority. you may know SSH2 as the protocol that replaced telnet and rsh for secure access to remote shells, but the protocol also inclu