
AS2Unitに関するfladdictのブックマーク (4)

  • Kent Beck Testing Framework 入門

    1999/09/06 更新 石井 勝 はじめに Smalltalker として有名な Kent Beck は,ソフトウェアテスト用プログラムをフレームワークレベルにまで拡張し,テストを体系的に取り扱う方法を提唱しました.そのフレームワークは Testing Framework と呼ばれ,Smalltalk の他にも Java, C++, Visual Basic 用の Testing Framework が提供されています(それぞれ JUnit, CppUnit, VBUnit と呼ばれています). 同じソフトウェアテストを行う製品としては,Windows の場合 Rational 社(以前は Microsoft 社)の Visual Test が有名です.Visual Test の場合,スクリプト言語でユーザの操作をシミュレートしてテストを行うのに対し, Testing Frame

    fladdict 2005/08/26
  • Open Source Flash - osflash

    Welcome to the OSFlash Wiki, a resource site on open source Flash maintained by members of the OSFlash community. This site is a Wiki. That means that once you register for an account, you can log in and update any page on the site yourself. Please edit a page only if you can improve it. Please use the playground to test the wiki, learn wiki syntax and read through the style guide before contribut

    fladdict 2005/07/25
  • Unit Testing ActionScript 2.0 Using AS2Unit > Tutorials > Flash Magazine

    May 10th 2005 | Steven Webster 0 comments Tutorial Categories 3D (16) Away3D 3.6 (12) Away3D 4.x (3) General (1) Actionscript Basics (9) Adobe AIR (1) Browser interaction (4) Components (1) Flash 4 / Flash Lite 1 (5) Games (2) Hardware (1) Images (3) Loading assets (2) Loading data (8) .NET and ASP (2) Java (1) PHP (3) Web Services (2) XML (1) Masking (1) Pixel Bender (1) Rich Internet Application

    fladdict 2005/06/19
  • AS2Unit

    Various protocols are used to transfer data from the client to the server and vice versa. Their rules are described in the relevant standards. In this article, we will discuss one data transfer protocol — WebSockets. What is a WebSocket protocol?WebSocket is an advanced technology to create a connection between a client and a server (browser and server) and enable communication between them in rea

    fladdict 2005/06/19
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