
ChinaとReinoUnidoに関するflagburnerのブックマーク (3)

  • China blocks the Guardian, censorship-tracking website says

    While users around the country have reported problems, some of those commenting below this story say they reached it without difficulty; one, using the name zangdook, said the block "comes and goes". Other users were able to access the website front page briefly but could not reload it moments later and could not reach other sections. China's leadership is known to block websites that it deems a t

    China blocks the Guardian, censorship-tracking website says
    flagburner 2014/01/09
    "The reasons for the Guardian block are unclear – no China-related stories published by the Guardian in the past two days would obviously be perceived as dangerous by the country's leadership."→次はどこのニュースサイトが標的になるのやら(汗)
  • 英、ブタの精液を中国に輸出へ

    英オックスフォードシャー(Oxfordshire)州で撮影されたブタの親子(2001年3月15日撮影、資料写真)。(c)AFP/Adrian DENNIS 【12月5日 AFP】英国が来年から、中国にブタの精液を輸出することが決まった。デービッド・キャメロン(David Cameron)英首相の3日間の訪中を機に両国が合意に達した。中国では肉の需要が拡大しており、これを英国農業の主力である養豚農家の増益につなげようとの狙いがある。 輸出するのは、イングランド(England)と北アイルランド(Northern Ireland)の4か所の人工受精センターで採取されたブタの新鮮精液と凍結精液。英首相官邸では4500万ポンド(約75億円)相当の経済効果を見込んでいる。 ただし英環境・料・農業省によれば、この金額には生きたブタの輸出も含まれているという。 オーウェン・パターソン(Owen Pa

    flagburner 2013/12/05
  • Nuclear powers plan weapons spending spree, report finds

    The world's nuclear powers are planning to spend hundreds of billions of pounds modernising and upgrading weapons warheads and delivery systems over the next decade, according to an authoritative report published on Monday. Despite government budget pressures and international rhetoric about disarmament, evidence points to a new and dangerous "era of nuclear weapons", the report for the British Am

    Nuclear powers plan weapons spending spree, report finds
    flagburner 2011/10/31
    "For several countries, including Russia, Pakistan, Israel and France, nuclear weapons are being assigned roles that go well beyond deterrence, says the report. In Russia and Pakistan, it warns, nuclear weapons are assigned "war-fighting roles in military planning"."
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