
2012年3月12日のブックマーク (2件)

  • github:shop

    The best thing about stickers is how they stick to things. Sadly, once you get over that marvel, you're left regretting that you chose to stick such a dumb sticker to such a cool thing. Stop sticking lame things to awesome things. Instead, stick octocats on EVERYTHING. Awesome sticker + Awesome thing = Awesome stickerthing. That's math. *Sticker packs cannot be modified.*

    fuba 2012/03/12
  • Artificial Intelligence Research

    Artificial Intelligence Research (AIR) is a peer-reviewed, international scientific journal providing a forum for original research, reviews, experience exchange or conference reports related to the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Applications for researchers, programmers, software and hardware manufacturers. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following: Machine learning,

    fuba 2012/03/12