ブックマーク / www.bbc.com (1)

  • Why hasn't Japan banned child-porn comics?

    Japan's comics and cartoons - known as manga and anime - are a huge cultural industry and famous around the world. But some are shocking, featuring children in sexually explicit scenarios. Why has Japan decided against banning this material? It's a Sunday afternoon in Tokyo and Sunshine Creation is in full swing. Thousands of manga fans, mostly men, crowd into an exhibition centre, poring over man

    Why hasn't Japan banned child-porn comics?
    fucking_get2it 2015/01/07
    兼光ダニエル氏は劇エヴァの英語字幕やブラクラの設定考証など第一線で活躍されてるオタク系トランスレーターだよ で、記事の中で「オタクキモい死ね」つってるLily(笑)って誰????
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