L’expansion du commerce électronique a révolutionné la manière dont les entreprises interagissent avec leurs clients. En particulier, l’expédition internationale est…
サービス終了のお知らせ NAVERまとめは2020年9月30日をもちましてサービス終了いたしました。 約11年間、NAVERまとめをご利用・ご愛顧いただき誠にありがとうございました。
tableやtr、tdなどのテーブル関連のタグのdsiplayプロパティを変更することでデザインを変更します。 tableタグのdisplayの値はデフォルトではtable、tdやthタグはtable-cellといった具合ですが、この値をblockやlist-itemなど他の値に変えます。 @media only screen and (max-width:420px){ tbody tr{ display: block; margin-bottom: 1.5em; } tbody th, tbody td{ display: list-item; border: none; } ..... } Chrome、Safari、Firefox対応。 IEではTableのdisplayを変更しても表示は変わらないようなので非対応です。 条件分岐コメントを使ってIEにはメディアクエリを読ませないよ
The hot topic in web design nowadays is undoubtedly responsive layouts. Responsive design lets you provide an optimized screen size that caters to the device (mobile, tablet…) used by visitors. Although Media Queries are typically used to resize the overall layout, individual elements such as navigation, forms, images, sliders, and carousels need to be optimized too. That’s where this post can hel
No dependencies: Just Javascript, HTML and CSS (No server involved if you don't want to, no cookies, no .htaccess, no other Javascript library or framework required). Ease of use: 15-30 mins reading the docs and checking some demos and you're good to go! Absolute control: Riloadr will process only the images you tell it to. Unlimited breakpoints: Set the breakpoints you need. CSS properties availa
ResponsiveSlides.js v1.55 Simple & lightweight responsive slider plugin (in 1kb) ResponsiveSlides.js is a tiny jQuery plugin that creates a responsive slider using elements inside a container. It has been used on sites like Microsoft's Build 2012 and Gridset App. ResponsiveSLides.js works with wide range of browsers including all IE versions from IE6 and up. It also adds css max-width support for
Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of web browsing, staying abreast of the latest technologies is crucial. HTML5, the fifth and current version of the Hypertext Markup Language, has revolutionized the way we experience the web. With its advanced features and enhanced capabilities, HTML5 has become the cornerstone of modern web development, offering a more seamless and interactive user exp