
2012年8月13日のブックマーク (4件)

  • Plenty of dark matter near the Sun

    The high resolution simulation of the Milky Way used to test the mass-measuring technique. Credit: Dr A. Hobbs (Phys.org) -- Astronomers at the University of Zürich, the ETH Zurich, the University of Leicester and NAOC Beijing have found large amounts of invisible "dark matter" near the Sun. Their results are consistent with the theory that the Milky Way Galaxy is surrounded by a massive "halo" of

    Plenty of dark matter near the Sun
    fujikumo 2012/08/13
  • Syria’s newly assertive Kurds

    fujikumo 2012/08/13
    シリアの北東部は、現在、Democratic Union Partyというクルド人中心の政党によるコントロール下にある。この地域では、200万人のクルド人が住み、人口の10%を占める。隣接するトルコ、イラク、イランにも、多くのクルド人が
  • People of the Lake

    The drying up of the Aral Sea was an environmental and human tragedy, but can Kazakhstan undo this man-made disaster? Read more Editor’s note: Since this film was made, the Small Aral Sea has remained stable although is still only about half its original size. But its salinity has returned to levels that can sustain the pre-1960 ecosystem. Commercial fishing has increased and many people have come

    People of the Lake
    fujikumo 2012/08/13
  • Egypt president Mohamed Morsi forces top generals to retire

    Hussein Tantawi has been replaced as Egypt's defence minister by General Abdel-Fatah el-Sissi. Photograph: Amel Pain/EPA Hussein Tantawi has been replaced as Egypt's defence minister by General Abdel-Fatah el-Sissi. Photograph: Amel Pain/EPA

    Egypt president Mohamed Morsi forces top generals to retire
    fujikumo 2012/08/13
    Egypt、Morsi大統領は、Hussein Tantawi防衛大臣など、軍のトップの将軍を二人、退任させる。また軍によって布告された憲法の修正による、軍の暫定統治を無効に。