
2013年2月17日のブックマーク (2件)

  • Nano-machines for 'bionic proteins'

    fujikumo 2013/02/17
  • Time is money

    THE average Swiss watch costs $685. A Chinese one costs around $2 and tells the time just as well (see chart). So how on earth, a Martian might ask, can the Swiss watch industry survive? Yet it does. Exports of watches made in Switzerland have grown by 32% by value over the past two years, to SFr21.4 billion ($23.3 billion). Demand in the biggest markets (China, America and Singapore) dipped recen

    Time is money
    fujikumo 2013/02/17
    スイスの時計は、中国製の何十倍の価格で、時間を告げる、という機能は同じ。それでも、スイスの時計産業は、利益を上げ、過去二年間に32%の成長。スイスの時計産業は、Swatch Groupが産業を一手に握っており。