
2015年6月10日のブックマーク (2件)

  • Inside Mosul: What's life like under Islamic State?

    Exclusive footage reveals how Islamic State wields power over people's everyday lives in Iraq's second city, Mosul, a year after it was captured. Secretly filmed videos obtained by the BBC's Ghadi Sary show mosques being blown up, abandoned schools, and women being forced to cover up their bodies. Residents said they were living in fear of punishment according to the group's extreme interpretation

    Inside Mosul: What's life like under Islamic State?
    fujikumo 2015/06/10
  • What is Toxoplasmosis and Should You be Concerned?

    Published Jun 08, 2015 at 6:43 PM EDT Updated Apr 02, 2016 at 12:15 PM EDT The “Cat Ripper” in Croydon, south London, is very keen to make sure that their acts of cruelty are made public. REUTERS/Thomas Peter Each year, a handful of medical journals publish studies highlighting a very specific health risk to humans who love their feline friends. Toxoplasma gondii (t. gondii) is a common parasite t

    What is Toxoplasmosis and Should You be Concerned?
    fujikumo 2015/06/10
    猫に寄生している、トキソプラズマ原虫(Toxoplasma gondi)とは何か。猫の飼い主はどのくらい心配するべきか。実際は、猫よりも園芸作業や生肉を食べることで原虫に感染することの方が多い。世界中の30-50%の人が感染、とか