
ブックマーク / venturebeat.com (2)

  • Facebook’s first week is (almost) the worst of any IPO in 10 years

    Update 5/28: See below for another recent IPO that did even worse, although at a much smaller market cap. Facebook’s first five days as a public company saw its value drop 13.1 percent, the worst first-week performance of any initial public offering in a decade. That’s the sorry picture compiled by Bloomberg at the close of trading yesterday. In contrast, Visa’s 2008 IPO resulted in a first-week b

    fujikumo 2012/05/28
    Facebook株のIPO後、最初の五日間に株価は、13.1%の低下。最初の一週間の成績としては、過去10年で最悪。小口投資家の損は、Facebookと主幹事会社にとっては利益となっている。Morgan Stanleyは、開始価格を最高値に据え置き
  • VentureBeat’s best and worst of cleantech in 2010

    It’s been quite a year for energy-related investments and other ventures looking to make some green from green. Here’s a look back on the biggest successes and flops of 2010. Best of cleantech in 2010: Bloom Energy — The fuel cell maker made a big splash entrance with a 60 Minutes segment in February. It said its Bloom Boxes, which cost around $800,000, can each power up to 100 American homes. The

    fujikumo 2010/12/30
    環境に優しい技術(Cleantech)で、2010年に成功したもの、大失敗したものを列挙。成功、Bloom EnergyのSOFC型燃料電池、TeslaのIPO、BrightSource Energyの太陽熱発電所、薄膜太陽電池、LED照明、EV、配送車のEV化など
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