A bearded man in a red T-shirt jumped over a small fence outside the church's rectory, picked up a large rock from the garden and repeatedly struck the statue in the head with it, police said.
Yomiuri manager Tatsunori Hara is given the traditional victory toss Friday night after the Giants clinched their second straight Central League pennant. Yamato Life Insurance Co. filed for bankruptcy protection Friday, making the midsize insurer the first domestic financial institution to go under amid the global financial crisis. (Oct.11) [More...] UNMASKING CAPITAL PUNISHMENT / Prisoners await
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Daily Yomiuri News SiteYomiuri manager Tatsunori Hara is given the traditional victory toss Friday night after the Giants clinched their second straight Central League pennant. Yamato Life Insurance Co. filed for bankruptcy protection Friday, making the midsize insurer the first domestic financial institution to go under amid the global financial crisis. (Oct.11) [More...] UNMASKING CAPITAL PUNIS