
関連タグで絞り込む (1)


artとsoundに関するfutoshi0417のブックマーク (1)

  • Musical Fire Table!

    Standing waves of fire! Check out Audible: http://bit.ly/AudibleVe Fysikshow: http://bit.ly/Fysikshow - I'm hosting Michio Kaku in Melbourne ONLY: http://bit.ly/VeKakuTickets Rubens' Tube is an awesome demo and here we take it to the next level with a two-dimensional 'Pyro Board'. This shows unique standing wave patters of sound in the box. The pressure variations due to the sound waves affect t

    Musical Fire Table!
    futoshi0417 2014/05/30
    定在波のダイナミックな見せ方。「Why did you make this?」「Because we like Rubens' Tube!」
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