Isolator Isolator is a small menu bar application that helps you concentrate. When you're working on a document, and don't want to be distracted, turn on Isolator. It will cover up your desktop and all the icons on it, as well as the windows of all your other applications, so you can concentrate on the task in hand. Isolator is designed to stay out of your way, and so it isn't loaded with flashy f
Discography Preview Discography keeps track of every file on every disc you burn. You can instantly search through tens of thousands of burned files and find out info such as when it was burned, to what disc it was burned, and when it was last edited. If you find yourself constantly losing track of what disc your files are on then Discography will be a welcome addition to your toolset. Discography
Help speed up your Mac by removing unnecessary apps and startup processes, and reclaim disk space from duplicate files and junk. Stop bad photos from wasting storage space Tame and simplify disorganized photo libraries and save hard drive space. CCleaner for Mac Professional can scan your hard drive and find bad, blurry, badly lit, or identical-looking photo files and remove them. Enjoy CCleaner’s
multiXFinder è un menu che permette di passare da un'applicazione all'altra per Mac OS X Tiger, Leopard e Snow Leopard, attualmente sviluppato da me (Jack Overfull) al fine di portare il mio amato ASM sul mio nuovo MacBook Pro. multiXFinder è basato in gran parte sul codice di ASM 2.0.2 ed è coperto dalla licenza GPL, versione 2 o successiva, i sorgenti sono disponibili su SourceForge. menuXFinder
AppCleaner, uninstall your apps properly.AppCleaner is a small application which allows you to thoroughly uninstall unwanted apps. Installing an application distributes many files throughout your System using space of your Hard Drive unnecessarily. AppCleaner finds all these small files and safely deletes them. Simply drop an application onto the AppCleaner window. It will find for the related fi
LiteIcon, change and restore any icons of your system.LiteIcon is a simple app which allows you to change your system icons easily. Simply drag an icon onto the one you want to change, click the Apply Changes button and restart the Finder to see the modifications. That's it. To restore an icon, right-click it and pick Restore. To restore all icons to their originals, go to File -> Restore all icon