
rails3に関するgom68のブックマーク (24)

  • The Rails 3 Router: Rack it Up

    In my previous post about generic actions in Rails 3, I made reference to significant improvements in the router. Some of those have been covered on other blogs, but the full scope of the improvements hasn't yet been covered. In this post, I'll cover a number of the larger design decisions, as well as specific improvements that have been made. Most of these features were in the Merb router, but th

    gom68 2009/12/28
  • Rails and Merb Merge: The Anniversary (Part 1 of 6)

    A year ago today, we announced that Rails and Merb would merge. At the time, there was much skepticism about the likelihood of the success of this endeavor. Indeed, The most common imagery invoked by those who learned about our plans was a unicorn. At RailsConf last year (well into the effort), both DHH and I used unicorns in our talks, poking fun at the vast expectations we’d set, and the apparen

    Rails and Merb Merge: The Anniversary (Part 1 of 6)
    gom68 2009/12/24
  • Route 477(2009-10-13)

    ■ [rails] Rails3に「デフォルトでHTMLエスケープする機能」が入ったらしい ERBでは「<%= foo %>」がエスケープなし、「<%= h foo %>」がエスケープありですが、 Rails3のtrunkで、デフォルトでHTMLエスケープを行う機能が入ったそうです。 Riding Rails: What's New in Edge Rails 安全のために「<%= foo %>」の方をエスケープありにすべきだろうという議論は前からあって、 実装もErubis(オプションで可能)とか SafeERB*1 *2とか あったわけですけど、できればRails標準でそうなってた方が良いし、その変更を入れるなら確かにバージョン2→3の今しかない気がします。 エスケープを無効にするにはString#html_safe!を呼ぶか、プラグインで「<%= raw foo %>」のように書ける

    Route 477(2009-10-13)
    gom68 2009/10/15
  • How to Build Sinatra on Rails 3

    In Ruby, we have the great fortune to have one major framework (Rails) and a number of minor frameworks that drive innovation forward. One of the great minor frameworks which has been getting a lot of traction recently is Sinatra, primarily because it exposes a great DSL for writing small, single-purpose apps. Here's an example of a simple Sinatra application. class MyApp < Sinatra::Base set :view