
ブックマーク / stephencoakley.com (1)

  • Articles - Stephen Coakley

    Every once in a while I’ll be involved in a conversation about dependency management and versions, often at work, in which the subject of “dependency hell” will come up. If you’re not familiar with the term, then I encourage you to look it up. A brief summary might be: “The frustration that comes from dealing with application dependency versions and dependency conflicts”. With that in mind, let’s

    hadashia 2020/03/08
    Rustのパッケージマネージャは、バイナリのmanglingを活用して、同一パッケージの複数バージョンの共存も許せるようになっとるらしい。この辺の捌きをみるとsem ver大事だなっておも
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