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    (´ー`) ( ´ー`)フゥー... (´ー`)フッ (´_`) (´-`) (´_`)ウゥ (´-`) (´。`) (´。`)はぁ・・・。 ( ´��`) (;^▽^) (´ρ`) (´ー` ) ヽ(´ー`)ノマターリ ヽ(´ー`)ノ ヽ( ´ー`)丿 ヽ( ´_`)丿 ┐(´ー`)┌ ┐(´ー`)┌ マイッタネ♪ ┐(´-`)┌ ヽ(´▽`)ノ ヽ(´ρ`)ノ ヽ(´π丶)丿 (/ー\)キャッ (●´−`●) ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ (´▽’)アッハン ( ´��`) ノ ヽ(=´Д`=)ノ ヽ(;´Д`)ノ (´´��``)ショボーン ヽ(°▽、°)ノ 〜(´ー`〜) (´▲`) (*´ー`*)ーЭ (´ー`)y-~~ (´ー`)y−~~ (´ー`)y─┛~~  (;´▽`)y-~~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ タ


    04/04/18 Established. 09/02/19 Last up dated My Bianchi bicycles 09/02/02 Bianchi Team Cards 09/02/19 Bianchi small items 08/01/14 Catalogs of Bianchi 08/10/08 My other bicycles 09/01/21 Short story of parts for Campagnolo 08/08/04 Short story of parts for Simplex 05/08/06 Wanted! Link 07/10/14 Contact me

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