
ブックマーク / htmlui.com (1)

  • htmlUI « 5 Obscure Facts About HTML5 LocalStorage

    LocalStorage is a handy API included in the "HTML5" wave that gives web developers an easy to use 5MB store on an users local machine. Using the LocalStorage API really couldn't be easier. It's a simple key/value dictionary with a simple API to match: //Save a value to localStorage localStorage.setItem('key', 'value to save'); //OR localStorage.key = 'string value to save'; //Get the value back ou

    hat_teejay 2013/10/02
    1. http/httpsをまたいでは見れない、2. SessionStorageが残るときもある、3. プライベートモード/セーフモードの時は見れない、4. 5MB超は保存出来ない、5. 古いブラウザでは使えない...って感じ?
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