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Anyone can master minimalism. Essentially, minimalism is about breaking things down to the barest elements necessary for a design to function. It’s about taking things away until nothing else can be removed without interfering with the purpose of the design. In this article, Cameron Chapman presents a number of principles of minimalist design, as well as an exploration of current trends and additi
This article marks the first of several, providing an introduction to the new CSS3 standard which is set to take over from CSS2. We will be starting from the very beginning – taking you from not having even heard of CSS3, to feeling ready to hit it running as various features start to become more widely adopted. 19 Million+ Digital Assets, With Unlimited Downloads Get unlimited downloads of 19+ mi
The All-In-One Almost-Alphabetical Guide to Detecting Everything (Confused? Read Detecting HTML5 Features for a conceptual introduction. Want an all-in-one library instead? Try Modernizr.) <audio> return !!document.createElement('audio').canPlayType; <audio> in MP3 format var a = document.createElement('audio'); return !!(a.canPlayType && a.canPlayType('audio/mpeg;').replace(/no/, '')); <audio> in
This post was originally published in 2009 The tips and techniques explained may be outdated. When trimming out images in Photoshop, human hair or animal fur always proves troublesome and can be tricky to achieve a realistic look. Here are two techniques I use on images with both plain backgrounds, and those with a varied background tones, each achieving pretty decent end results. Technique One: I