Economistに関するhidtのブックマーク (3)

  • A special report on America's economy: Time to rebalance | The Economist

    A world of connectionsOnline social networks are changing the way people communicate, work and play, and mostly for the better, says Martin Giles (interviewed here) Illustration by Ian Whadcock THE annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, currently in progress, is famous for making connections among the global great and good. But when the delegates go home again, getting even a few of

    A special report on America's economy: Time to rebalance | The Economist
    hidt 2010/01/31
    "only one-tenth of them gave employees full access to such networks during the day, and that many were blocking Facebook and Twitter altogether."1400社へのアンケート
  • Can Kan?

    Can Kan?A new finance minister wants the Bank of Japan to target inflation THE situation has “completely changed,” says an ebullient Keisuke Tsumura, an elected official in the newish government's Cabinet Office. The Bank of Japan (BoJ) “has redefined its understanding of price stability. Some market participants now regard it as de facto inflation-targeting.” That would be something to get excite

    hidt 2010/01/31
    "So it may not be long before Mr Kan is on the warpath again."これタイトルがおもしろすぎるだろ。
  • The establishment of science

    OpinionLeadersLetters to the editorBy InvitationCurrent topicsIsrael and HamasWar in UkraineUS elections 2024The World Ahead 2024Climate changeCoronavirusThe world economyThe Economist explainsArtificial intelligenceCurrent topicsIsrael and HamasWar in UkraineUS elections 2024The World Ahead 2024Climate changeCoronavirusThe world economyThe Economist explainsArtificial intelligenceWorldThe world t

    The establishment of science
    hidt 2010/01/10
    フランシスベーコンやらニュートンやら豪華な陣営。この時代からpeer reviewだとかの制度が決められたってのが驚きで、そりゃほころびも出てくるわなという印象。
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