blogとdevelopmentに関するhidtのブックマーク (1)

  • toward the virtual » The reason why I have come to Ghana

    First of all, I want to know what it is like to live in a developing country. As a  fledgelining sociologist, I put emphasis on participating in the local community at first hand. I could understand how the local people think and what they really need only through living in the society for a while. Spending a long period in such a society would offer me with a lot of things that a short study-tour

    hidt 2009/09/03
    "I thought I have to undergo the real situation of a developing society and try to adapt to it since I hope to work in these countries in future."魅力的。開発系のキャリアを志すなら、はやいとここういう経験を積んどかないと
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