2015年4月11日のブックマーク (1件)

  • PHP 7 at a Glance.

    PHP7 is on it’s way! This is the largest shift in the PHP landscape since the upgrade to PHP 5.3. Most of us survived that and I’m sure we will survive this one as well. To help you see the forrest for the trees, I’ve put together a list of all the RFCs that are marked as “Implemented” on the PHP wiki. Some of them have not yet been updated to “Implemented” status and there are still others in the

    PHP 7 at a Glance.
    hnw 2015/04/11
    Impactは人によって意見分かれるかな。ExpectationsはHighのような気もする。一方で、Null Coalesce Operatorは小ネタじゃね…?そもそもphpng関連は一言じゃ説明できないレベルだし。