★記事詳細とHD動画はこちら http://www.asahi.com/national/update/0227/TKY201302270068.html エジプト南部ルクソールで熱気球が墜落した事故で、隣を飛行していた気球の乗客が動画撮影していた。 ※「Channel ASAHI」にアップロードされている動画の改ざんや、朝日新聞社の許可なく商用・営利目的で利用することを禁じます。
アニメがどうしてああなったのか知りたいかたは→ http://natalie.mu/comic/pp/akunohana
This is the non-stop medley of songs from beatmania and beatmania IIDX. The original source was uploaded on NicoNicoDouga in 2009 as "No.9 UNNAMED" or "A Midsummer Night's Another". (http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8314951 ) This medley is continued on[2/2], http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7GNxuWYusk Enjoy! 初夏から晩秋にかけて時折訪れる,肌寒い雨の日のためのメドレー ...だった気がします.当初の計画では.
2010/9/11 TAICOCLUB camps' 2010
橋下大阪市長の登退庁時の囲み取材の様子を録画で配信しています。 取材環境により、記者の方の発言等が聞き取りにくい場合がありますが、ご了承ください。
中島みゆき 「地上の星」Music Video NHK総合テレビ「プロジェクトX 挑戦者たち」の主題歌 ■主な収録作品 ▼Single CD『地上の星 / ヘッドライト・テールライト』 https://www.yamahamusic.co.jp/s/ymc/discography/49?ima=0000 ▼Album CD『短編集』 https://www.yamahamusic.co.jp/s/ymc/discography/48?ima=0000 ▼Album CD『Singles2000』 https://www.yamahamusic.co.jp/s/ymc/discography/45?ima=0000 ▼Album CD 中島みゆき・21世紀ベストセレクション『前途』 https://www.yamahamusic.co.jp/s/ymc/discograph
No Cats Were Seriously injured. "Kitten Gets Thrown Down a Loft Ladder" (Cat Pushes Another Cat down the Stairs)... Filmed by Storm Pickett, Description: Peering over the edge, this kitten looked too scared to clamber out of the loft. Bella takes a step forward as she carefully tries to make her way down the steps with Kimba lurking behind her. As the six month old kitten climbs carefully over t
Yoji returns with a Summer remix of one of Hellhouse's biggest releases to date, this time a more up tempo and jungle sounding number."Don't Wake Me From The Dream" was a huge release at the time of Tech Dane Euphoria and personally I think this had a huge Euphoric edge to it which might have missed a few clubbers and critics, this time though Yoji makes sure the breakdown slaps you in the face an
NBA LockOUT..? NOT in my house! Here is my cousin and of course my adorable cat playing some quality basketball in order to fill in the NBA gap in my life; perhaps in your life too. Don't forget to check out the 2nd part of 'Funny Cat Playing Basketball'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-z49H2TEL8 © Copyright Roberts Ozolins 2011
balancing tower of change 3118 coins on a single dime. 600 quarters, 501 dimes, 313 nickels, 1699 pennies, 5 foreign coins, and 7 hours of building. all real time clips,.. Here's the link to the bigger coin stack that you get to see falling: https://youtu.be/nkYKMjoTMtY . this world record has been broken at RecordSetter.com http://rec.st/DyZ . SUBScribe for more World Record Challenges.