RCO アドテクLabブログ 八重洲で働く株式会社リクルートコミュニケーションズの社内エンジニアがアドテクノロジーを始め、様々な分野のテクノロジーについて書いています 2016/06/03 stakaya データ分析 筋トレに忙しい高柳です。 Recruit Institute of Technology Inc.のアドバイザーであるColumbia UniversityのDAVID M. BLEI教授の講演を聞く機会があり、教授がその講演の中で触れていた論文を読んでみました。内容は”協調フィルタリング + トピックモデリング(LDA)で、ユーザが興味を持ちそうな科学系論文をレコメンデーションする”というものでした。 協調フィルタリングではうまくレコメンデーションできないケースを、その論文の内容自身をLDAを用いて分析することで、協調フィルタリングと組み合わせてレコメンデーションに活かすと
We propose Sentence Level Recurrent Topic Model (SLRTM), a new topic model that assumes the generation of each word within a sentence to depend on both the topic of the sentence and the whole history of its preceding words in the sentence. Different from conventional topic models that largely ignore the sequential order of words or their topic coherence, SLRTM gives full characterization to them b
Topic Coherence To Evaluate Topic Models May 16th, 2013 Human judgment not being correlated to perplexity (or likelihood of unseen documents) is the motivation for more work trying to model the human judgment. This is by itself a hard task as human judgment is not clearly defined; for example, two experts can disagree on the usefulness of a topic. One can classify the methods addressing this probl
Human language technologies require large amounts of data to train, develop and test models and systems. There is a direct relationship between data quality and system effectiveness, that is, good data makes good systems. LDC ensures that the community has access to high-quality data sets through effective data management practices that cover such matters as accessibility, usability, curation and