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Create diagrams quickly No wasting hours mucking about with fiddly diagram layout. yUML allows you to create diagrams quickly by simply typing plain text. See Sample Diagrams Draw UML with code Because yUML diagrams are based on text, you can easily create them from your CI scripts or code. Simply request an image programatically using a GET or a PUT. Tool vendors are using this to integrate yUML
🚀 Getting Started PlantUML is a highly versatile tool that facilitates the rapid and straightforward creation of a wide array of diagrams. Utilizing a simple and intuitive language, users can effortlessly draft various types of diagrams. For a detailed exploration of the language's capabilities and syntax, please refer to the PlantUML Language Reference Guide. If you are new to PlantUML, we recom
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* 34Grid is an archive project, a memory from past. :) 34Grid is a Responsive Grid System based on "equally distributed columns" layout basis. In contrast to other great grid systems (@see bottom of page), 34Grid provides equally distributed columns for each row. (and also column complements for inequal distributions) If you're already familiar with grid systems and responsive web design just crea