
ブックマーク / en.wikipedia.org (2)

  • Three-fifths Compromise - Wikipedia

    The Three-fifths Compromise was an agreement reached during the 1787 United States Constitutional Convention over the inclusion of slaves in a state's total population. This count would determine: the number of seats in the House of Representatives; the number of electoral votes each state would be allocated; and how much money the states would pay in taxes. Slave holding states wanted their entir

    htnmiki 2020/11/05
  • Lynching of Jesse Washington - Wikipedia

    Jesse Washington was a seventeen-year-old African American farmhand who was lynched in the county seat of Waco, Texas, on May 15, 1916, in what became a well-known example of lynching. Washington was convicted of raping and murdering Lucy Fryer, the wife of his white employer in rural Robinson, Texas. He was chained by his neck and dragged out of the county court by observers. He was then paraded

    Lynching of Jesse Washington - Wikipedia
    htnmiki 2017/02/19
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