is an online grained gradient image generator.because CSS gradients are just not there yet. Instructions: Change the gradient properties, drag the mouse cursor to draw a gradient, and then click "Get Image" to generate your image.
Generate Unique images from any text Robohash is a easy web service that makes it easy to provide unique, robot/alien/monster/whatever images for any text. Put in any text, such as IP address, email, filename, userid, or whatever else you like, and get back a pretty image for your site. With hundreds of millions of variations, Robohash is the among the leading robot-based hashing tools on the web.
What is Patternify? Patternify is a simple pattern generator. I built it to save myself the pain of launching Photoshop just to export a 2px by 2px stripe pattern. Not only can you build your pattern online, but with the base64 code, you don't even need an image file anymore: just include the code in your CSS and you're ready to go! Instructions Draw your pattern on the grid. You can use the curso
The CSS3 Webkit Gradient Generator is a showcase for the power of CSS webkit gradients. It also provides a simple graphical user interface for working with CSS webkit gradients, allowing a user preview real time what their gradient will look like and provide the code for the gradient they generated.CSS3 Gradient Generator v2.0 Welcome to the CSS3 Gradient Generator! Please be aware that in order t
Ronn Ronn builds manuals. It converts simple, human readable textfiles to roff for terminal display, and also to HTML for the web. The source format includes all of Markdown but has a more rigid structure and syntax extensions for features commonly found in manpages (definition lists, link notation, etc.). The ronn-format(7) manual page defines the format in detail. The *.ronn files found in the m
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s w
カテゴリ画像 ●●っぽいロゴが作れるジェネレータまとめ - まる ●●っぽいロゴのジェネレータっていうのが、 探してみたら思った以上にたくさんあったのでいくつか紹介してみます。 漫画・アニメ、企業、映画のロゴなどなどー ■漫画・アニメ ▼けいおん! けいおんサブタイトルジェネレーター アニメけいおん!の各話タイトルで現れるあのカセットテープのジェネレータです。 崩したフォントなのに漢字も使えるみたいですよー ▼とある魔術の禁書目録・とある科学の超電磁砲 とある櫻花の画像生成(ジェネレーター) 人気アニメとある~の、あの見慣れた明朝体のロゴのジェネレータです。 魔術色(赤)、科学色(青)を選ぶことができ、縦横の向きも選べます。 投稿などもできるので面白いですよー ▼とらド
What is a codename? A codename, codeword or cryptonym is a name used to refer clandestinely to another name or word. Codename, codeword and cryptonym are usually interchangeable. Codenames are used to identify projects while maintaining secrecy against rival concerns. In more simple terms, a codename is a name that you agree upon and you use to hide what you are talking about. In industry, codenam
Loading GIF or, so called loader gif is an animation that indicates a loading process on a web-site or an application. Being an critically important part of web-site and application design and usability, mostly the animations are used to show that something is loading on the background (e.g. AJAX applications). The animation objects are usually used in GIF format which is very popular due to it's
Convert web page to RSS feed Page2RSS is a service that helps you monitor web sites that do not publish feeds. It will check any web page for updates and deliver them to your favorite RSS reader. Add Page2RSS button to your browser You can add a button to your browser's bookmarks toolbar that will create Page2RSS feed for the page you are currently viewing. This is an easy and convenient way for y
Get Creative If you can imagine it, you can build it with Terragen Creative. Build whole planets of realistic and beautiful views, control the weather and the light. Add plants, houses, or anything you choose. Your world is waiting… Terragen 4 Creative Terragen 4 Professional FBX, render layers and AOVs, full 3D motion blur, EXR, spherical and stereo cameras… Get the tools you need to turn around
Form based record testersOur reference SPF-result-explanation pageScott Kitterman's SPF record testing toolsE-mail based record testersNOTE: The tester is currently out of service We provide an e-mail based record tester. Send an e-mail to Your message will be rejected (this is by design) and you will get the SPF result either in your MTA mail logs or via however