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referenceに関するimiwonのブックマーク (2)

  • Mnemonic encoding wordlist

    About the wordlist The most time-consuming part in this project has been the compilation of the wordlist. Writing the reference implementation has been trivial in comparison. In the compilation of the wordlist I have scanned hundreds of thousands of words using a combination of automated tools and manual sorting. I estimate that over 300 hours have gone into the creation of the wordlist and around

    imiwon 2015/05/26
  • Naming Schemes

    Naming Schemes[edit | edit source] What do you use?[edit | edit source] A good naming scheme is scalable, unique, and easy to remember. The purpose of these naming schemes is to name networked servers, wireless access points or client computers, but it can also be used to name projects, products, variables, streets, pets, kids, or any other project where unique names and rememberable names are req

    imiwon 2015/05/26
  • 1