SyntaxDB lets you easily look up syntax for your favourite programming language. Now supporting Java, C, C++, C#, JavaScript, Swift, Python, Ruby, and Go.
SyntaxDB lets you easily look up syntax for your favourite programming language. Now supporting Java, C, C++, C#, JavaScript, Swift, Python, Ruby, and Go.
Batteries includedCrystal’s standard library comes with a whole range of libraries that let you start working on your project right away. Check the API docs # A very basic HTTP server require "http/server" server = do |context| context.response.content_type = "text/plain" context.response.print "Hello world, got #{context.request.path}!" end address = server.bind_tcp(8080) puts "L
Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Efficient Nim generates native dependency-free executables, not dependent on a virtual machine, which are small and allow easy redistribution. The Nim compiler and the generated executables support all major platforms like Windows, Linux, BSD and macOS Kevin Buellがブログの一連のエントリーで関数型プログラミング言語の概要をまとめています。 1) Haskell ラテン語がわかる人には親しみやすい。 [Background] 遅延評価の研究成果をとりまとめる委員会が1990年にHaskell 1.0の仕様をつくった。コンパイラはGlasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC)が最も有名。Haskellに関する研究はMicrosoft Researchで盛ん。.NETのための関数型言語であるF#もMicrosoft Researchの成果であるが、別の研究者グループの手により後年世にでてきた。 その他の項目は原文参照ください。 [Comparative Description] [Syntax H
Type your guess into the input field. As you type, the Autocomplete will display the languages that contain your guess. Clicking an Autocomplete option will fill in your guess, and pressing Tab will fill in the first option in the list. The next language will be displayed automatically when your guess is correct. If it seems borked, your guess is wrong. Click "Forfeit" (or press Escape) once to di