
ブックマーク / perspectives.mvdirona.com (6)

  • Software Define Networking Comes of Age – Perspectives

    Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of current or past employers. Recent CommentsJames Hamilton on Pat SelingerMark Gandy on Pat SelingerJames Hamilton on Seagate HAMRArie van der Hoeven on Seagate HAMRJames Hamilton on Pat SelingerPat Selinger on Pat SelingerJames Hamilton on Seagate HAMRJason Feist on Seagate HAMRJames Hamilton on Seagate HAM

    ita-wasa 2011/10/28
    This conference was a bit of a coming of age for software defined networking for a couple of reasons. First, an excellent measure of relevance is who showed up to speak at the conference. From academia, attendees included Scott Shenker (Berkeley), Nick McKeown (Stanford), and Jennifer Rexford (Princ
  • Speeding Up Cloud/Server Applications With Flash Memory – Perspectives

    ita-wasa 2011/02/11
    · Laid out as an linear array of flash blocks where a block is often 128k and a page is 2k · Unfortunately the unit of erasure is a full block but the unit of read or write is 2k and this makes the write in place technique used in disk drives not workable. · Block erase is
  • You really DO need ECC Memory – Perspectives

    Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of current or past employers. Recent CommentsMatt on Seagate HAMRJames Hamilton on Seagate HAMRMatt on Seagate HAMRJames Hamilton on Cost of Power in Large-Scale Data CentersChris K. on Cost of Power in Large-Scale Data CentersJames Hamilton on Cost of Power in Large-Scale Data CentersRob F on Cost of Power i

    ita-wasa 2010/05/19
    I continue to believe that client systems should also be running ECC and strongly suspect that a great many kernel and device driver failures are actually the result of memory fault.
  • Inter-Datacenter Replication & Geo-Redundancy – Perspectives

    Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of current or past employers. Recent CommentsMatt on Seagate HAMRJames Hamilton on Seagate HAMRMatt on Seagate HAMRJames Hamilton on Cost of Power in Large-Scale Data CentersChris K. on Cost of Power in Large-Scale Data CentersJames Hamilton on Cost of Power in Large-Scale Data CentersRob F on Cost of Power i

    ita-wasa 2010/05/11
    There are many external threats to single data center deployments including utility power loss, tornado strikes, facility fire, network connectivity loss, earthquake, break in, and many others I’ve not yet been “lucky” enough to have seen.
  • Perspectives - Stonebraker on CAP Theorem and Databases

    Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of current or past employers. Recent CommentsMatt on Seagate HAMRJames Hamilton on Seagate HAMRMatt on Seagate HAMRJames Hamilton on Cost of Power in Large-Scale Data CentersChris K. on Cost of Power in Large-Scale Data CentersJames Hamilton on Cost of Power in Large-Scale Data CentersRob F on Cost of Power i

    ita-wasa 2010/04/12
    Don’t throw full consistency out too early. For many applications, it is both affordable and helps reduce application implementation errors.
  • Google Megastore – Perspectives

    Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of current or past employers. Recent CommentsMatt on Seagate HAMRJames Hamilton on Seagate HAMRMatt on Seagate HAMRJames Hamilton on Cost of Power in Large-Scale Data CentersChris K. on Cost of Power in Large-Scale Data CentersJames Hamilton on Cost of Power in Large-Scale Data CentersRob F on Cost of Power i

    ita-wasa 2008/09/16
    Megastore is a transactional indexed record manager built by Google on top of BigTable. later
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