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Natural Language Toolkit¶ NLTK is a leading platform for building Python programs to work with human language data. It provides easy-to-use interfaces to over 50 corpora and lexical resources such as WordNet, along with a suite of text processing libraries for classification, tokenization, stemming, tagging, parsing, and semantic reasoning, wrappers for industrial-strength NLP libraries, and an ac
EXIficient Web formats become efficient ... EXIficient is a set of open source implementations of the W3C Efficient Extensible Interchange (EXI) format specification (see projects on in various programming languages Java JavaScript C/C++ and for various Web formats like XML (and formats using XML syntax, e.g., SVG, RSS, MathML, GraphML, ...) HTML JSON (Java, JavaScript, C) C
Machine Learning Group at National Taiwan University Contributors Version 2.47 released on July 9, 2023. We fix some minor bugs. Version 2.43 released on February 25, 2021. Installing the Python interface through PyPI is supported > pip install -U liblinear-official The python directory is re-organized so >>> from liblinear.liblinearutil import * instead of >>> from liblinearutil import * should b
Complement Naive BayesがSVMより速いよーと主張していたので、SVMもなんか最近は速くなってるらしいよ、という事を紹介してみたい。近年はSVMなどの学習を高速に行うという提案が行われており、実装が公開されているものもある。その中の一つにliblinearという機械学習ライブラリがある。ライブラリ名から推測できる通り、liblinearではカーネルを使うことが出来ない。しかし、その分速度が速く、大規模データに適用できるという利点がある。 liblinearを作っているのはlibsvmと同じ研究グループで、Chih-Jen Linがプロジェクトリーダーであるようだ。libsvmはかなり有名なライブラリで、liblinearにはそういった意味で安心感がある。(liblinearの方は公開されてしばらくは割とバグがあったらしいけど。) liblinearにはL1-SVM, L
Please turn on JavaScript. To find out how to do this visit the WebWise JavaScript guide. Glow is a JavaScript library which gives you... Simplified DOM manipulation, event handling, animations, etc A versatile set of user interface widgets Clear and comprehensive documentation BBC Browser Support Standards compliance
For Creating Scalable Performant Machine Learning Applications Download Mahout Apache Mahout(TM) is a distributed linear algebra framework and mathematically expressive Scala DSL designed to let mathematicians, statisticians, and data scientists quickly implement their own algorithms. Apache Spark is the recommended out-of-the-box distributed back-end, or can be extended to other distributed backe
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Connect your teams with an integrated digital workplace Wherever your teams work, keep them connected with a digital workplace that unifies all your productivity tools in one central place Claromentis provides a reliable and feature-rich business intranet software for modern organizations. Offering collaborative, social, knowledge-sharing, and enterprise-level applications, Claromentis' intranet p