
ブックマーク / miyagawa.co (2)

  • Perl QA Hackathon 2015 Day 4

    Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 plenv rehash slowness I’ve been constantly annoyed by the slowness of plenv rehash. The rehash command is automatically called after every run of cpanm if you install it through plenv, and it could get slower if you have 20+ perl versions managed by plenv. I debugged this with PLENV_DEBUG=1 option a little bit and found out what’s slow is bash function call. I’ve made some of the

    jamadam 2015/04/21
  • Plack 1.0 and the future

    I’m proud and excited to announce the long-awaited release of Plack 1.0 on CPAN. This is our 120th release since we started this project on October 2009 and has commits from 92 developers (counting with git log and including duplicates from different email address). Congratulations to everyone involved in the project! Why now? The previous release was 0.9991, it was obvious we were running out of

    jamadam 2012/07/20
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