The Archive of Interesting Code is an (ambitious) effort on my part to research, intuit, and code up every interesting algorithm and data structure ever invented. In doing so, I hope both to learn the mathematical techniques that power these technologies and to improve my skills as a programmer. The examples on this site are in a variety of languages. I generally prefer to use C++ for algorithms,
[Dear, "Bill"] The problem with being too busy to read is that you learn by experience (or by your men’s experience), i.e. the hard way. By reading, you learn through others’ experiences, generally a better way to do business, especially in our line of work where the consequences of incompetence are so final for young men. Thanks to my reading, I have never been caught flat-footed by any situation
OpinionLeadersLetters to the editorBy InvitationCurrent topicsUS elections 2024War in UkraineWar in the Middle EastThe World Ahead 2024Climate changeCoronavirusThe world economyArtificial intelligenceCurrent topicsUS elections 2024War in UkraineWar in the Middle EastThe World Ahead 2024Climate changeCoronavirusThe world economyArtificial intelligenceWorldThe world this weekChinaUnited StatesEurope
デコポンってあのデコポン? 食べた事ありますけれども...。 40年近く禁断のフルーツとしてアメリカでは出回っていなかったもの...それは、なんとデコポン! なんでデコポンが? と不思議に思いますがどうやらデコポンはそのあまりの美味しさにアメリカでは1部の間で秘密にされていたそうです。信じられません。 ネタ元のLA Times David記者はフルーツ大好きっ子で自称1000種類以上の柑橘系フルーツを試した男、なんだそうです。その彼曰く、デコポンが1番美味しい柑橘系フルーツなんですって。デコポンは1972年にマンダリンの甘さにちょっとした酸っぱさを加えた新種として日本で誕生。90年代にその人気を高めデコポン1つが1000円近くすることも。が、菌や植物の病気等が考慮され、米国ではデコポンは最近まで禁止されていました。 デコポンという幻のフルーツを追い求めたDavid記者。探しに探し追い求めた
The Connecticut home of the author's parents. The photo on the wall is of her parents as a young couple.Credit...Eugene Richards for The New York Times One October afternoon three years ago while I was visiting my parents, my mother made a request I dreaded and longed to fulfill. She had just poured me a cup of Earl Grey from her Japanese iron teapot, shaped like a little pumpkin; outside, two car
Internet use in China has surged in recent years, with more than 42% of its 1.4 billion people logged online. As of 2012, the country boasts 564 million web users — a 10% jump from the year before — and it's a number that will only continue to grow. The following infographic, created by web development firm MWI, details China's rising Internet class and the business opportunities it will create. F
アメリカのボストンで起きたテロ事件で拘束された19歳の容疑者について、アメリカの複数のメディアは、捜査当局が事件の重大性を考慮し、死刑制度を採用していない地元の州の法律ではなく、最高刑に死刑がある連邦法を適用して立件する見通しだと伝えています。 今月15日、ボストンマラソンの会場で起きた爆破テロ事件では、3人が死亡、170人以上がけがをし、容疑者のチェチェン系の兄弟のうち、兄のタメルラン・ツァルナエフ容疑者(26)が警察との銃撃戦の末、死亡し、弟のジョハール容疑者(19)は大けがをして拘束され、病院で手当を受けています。 捜査当局は弟のジョハール容疑者の回復を待って本格的な取り調べを行うことにしています。 また、アメリカの複数のメディアによりますと、捜査当局は今回の事件について、12年前の同時多発テロ事件以来の重大な事件だとして、ジョハール容疑者を死刑制度を採用していない地元マサチューセッ
「日本に核兵器使わない」=異例の具体的国名言及−中国高官 「日本に核兵器使わない」=異例の具体的国名言及−中国高官 【ジュネーブ時事】中国外務省の※(※=マダレに龍)森軍縮局長は19日、ジュネーブの国連欧州本部で「日本に対し核兵器は絶対に使わない」と述べた。中国は核兵器を先制使用しない政策を掲げているが、政府高官が具体的な国名に言及するのは異例。核兵器のない地域で「いかなる状況下でも中国は核兵器を使わない」と強調した。 北朝鮮問題については「相互信頼の欠如が最大の課題」と指摘。対立激化が「危機をあおる悪循環をもたらす。関係国は膝を交え対話すべきだ」と訴えた。(2013/04/20-07:08)
Mining digital goldEven if it crashes, Bitcoin may make a dent in the financial world IN 1999 an 18-year-old called Shawn Fanning changed the music industry for ever. He developed a service, Napster, that allowed individuals to swap music files with one another, instead of buying pricey compact discs from record labels. Lawsuits followed and in July 2001 Napster was shut down. But the idea lives o
The Well Deserved Fortune of Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin creator, Visionary and Genius I won’t discuss anything in this post. I’m tired of discussing technical things with people with skewed opinions and monetary interest. I’ve talked enough in the Bitcointalk forum about Satoshi. Some people screamed at me. But a picture is worth a thousand words. And I will show pictures that everyone can replicat
When you think electric vehicle, cars like the Tesla Model S or Chevy Volt might come to mind. But a Sunnyvale, Calif.-based startup wants to change that perception with what they claim is the "world's lightest electric vehicle" — and it's a skateboard. Boosted Boards was a Kickstarter success last fall, when they raised over $467,000 to further develop their 12-pound electric longboard. The motor
By T.C. NEUROSCIENCE is rarely out of the news. Just last week the journal Science carried a paper about using brain-scanning technology to decode the contents of dreams. Cash follows the buzz, too. On April 2nd President Barack Obama announced $100m of funding to kick-start a grand project to map the activity of every neuron in a human brain. Meanwhile, the European Union is throwing a billion eu