
ブックマーク / aodag.posterous.com (1)

  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    ji_ku 2011/04/04
    Bylineから October 25, 2010 Python開発環境 Edit Delete Autopost From Evernote: Python開発環境 Djangoはどうでもいいけど、Pythonで開発するときに準備しとくとよさそうなことまとめ Pythonバージョン 2.6を使う。 なぜ3じゃないか。 WSGIの対応と
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