
ブックマーク / www.theopendisc.com (1)

  • OpenDisc

    We’re happy to announce the release of OpenDisc 12.09, just in time for the 2012 Software Freedom Day, featuring 27 updates: Audacity 2.0.2, Blender 2.63a, ClamWin 0.97.5, Dia 0.97.2-2, DjVuLibre 3.5.25+4.9, Firefox 15.0, Freeciv 2.3.2, GanttProject 2.5.5, GIMP 2.8.2, GnuCash 2.4.11, HTTrack 3.46.1, Maxima 5.28.0-2, Miro 5.0.2, LibreOffice 3.6.1, Pidgin 2.10.6, PokerTH 0.9.5, RSSOwl 2.1.4, Scribus

    jitsu102 2007/09/30
    オープンソースソフトウェア集(for Win)
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