ブックマーク / go.dev (2)

  • Package names - The Go Programming Language

    Sameer Ajmani 4 February 2015 Introduction Go code is organized into packages. Within a package, code can refer to any identifier (name) defined within, while clients of the package may only reference the package’s exported types, functions, constants, and variables. Such references always include the package name as a prefix: foo.Bar refers to the exported name Bar in the imported package named f

    Package names - The Go Programming Language
  • The State of Go

    The State of Go Where we are in February 2017 Francesc Campoy Google Developer Advocate Time flies Go 1.6 is one year old (Happy Birthday!) Go 1.7 is already 6 months old! Go 1.8 was released on February 16th. 2 Notes The slides are available on /talks/2017/state-of-go.slide Most of the code examples won't run except locally and using Go 1.8. The playground still runs Go 1.7. 3 Agenda Changes sinc

    jnst 2017/02/07
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