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  • 社会性と意識の研究がつながった!! - 脳と意識の最先端を目指そう

    先週、とてつもなくおもしろい論文がサイエンス誌に出た。残念ながら、自分の論文ではない。 Bahrami et al. (2010) Optimally interacting minds. Science 329, 1081-1085. アブストラクト In everyday life, many people believe that two heads are better than one. Our ability to solve problems together appears to be fundamental to the current dominance and future survival of the human species. But are two heads really better than one? We addressed this questio

    社会性と意識の研究がつながった!! - 脳と意識の最先端を目指そう
    junaz 2010/11/29
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