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Description ShoeBox by 1000memories is the best way to scan your old paper photos and instantly share them with family and friends. As featured on MSNBC, Wired, TechCrunch, GOOD, Discovery Channel, and the Associated Press. "Now I have an app that allows me to post and share all those embarrassing high school, college and post-collegiate photos from my youth." - TechCrunch "Makes converting photo
PhotoMemes gives all your photos a new life: organized automatically into beautifully designed theme calendars. You can create as many calendars as you like. For example, a calendar for your kids, one for your pets or for special moments of your daily life. Your photos are not just a bunch of unrelated images any more, they are organized automatically to chronicle your life, your kids ,your pets a
Description Limited time price 50% down!! By using Time Camera, you can process the photos like old snapshots.Let's take photos with Time Camera and go back time! It's easy to use! Just set the date on setting screen and take a picture from iPhone. You can also choose the images from your Photo Library and process them. In addition, the date will be shown in a tanned mode like the LED of the film
Description PhotoNoter makes it easy to write beautiful notes on your photos. You can write directly on the photo with your finger just like sketching or drawing with a pen. * Write beautiful note PhotoNoter comes with a sketch pad which you can write big letters on. PhotoNoter will automatically shrink the big letter to a smaller one on the photo at the cursor position. The big stroke and the sma
素晴らしいアプリのことを「神アプリ」と安直に言うのは嫌いなんです。なんか安っぽく聞こえるじゃないですか。 だがあえて言いましょう。PictShareは神アプリ。少なくとも、私にとっては。 Evernoteでログを漁ってみたところ、「PictShareすげえええ」と1月4日につぶやいておりました。 あの「そら案内」などで知られる@itok_twit さん作成の「PictShare」は、複数の写真を様々な写真共有サービスに簡単にアップロードできるアプリです。 PictShare – multiple photos uploader 1.4.1 iPhone、iPod touch および iPad 互換 iOS 4.0 以降が必要 カテゴリ: ソーシャルネットワーキング 価格: ¥230 更新: 2011/03/22 リリース後すぐに購入し、「すげえええ」とつぶやいているにも関わらず、なぜか私、
Opening the iTunes Store.If iTunes doesn't open, click the iTunes application icon in your Dock or on your Windows desktop.Progress Indicator iTunes is the world's easiest way to organize and add to your digital media collection. We are unable to find iTunes on your computer. To download the free app DateCam S - Put date on your photos by AppBank, get iTunes now.
Dungeon Hunter – iPhone cinematic by Gameloft gameloftが新作Dungeon Hunterを出すらしい。期待。 from iPhone video, Dungeon Hunter, Pocket Gamer DateCam S 1.0.1のイースターエッグ – もとまかのiPhone・iPod touch戯れ日記 あの機能はイースターに搭載されていました。次回以降は普通に入れたいなと思っています。 昨日は私の妹関連でRTしてくださった方ありがとうございます。駆け出しで仕事探し中らしいので、何か起用できそうな案件ありましたらどんどん使ってやっていただけると幸いです。 iPhone 関連ニュース Metrock (メトロック・メトロノーム) バイオハザード4(iPhone / iPod touch版)攻略 今回はこれか! UFO camera