
関連タグで絞り込む (1)


odrk02に関するkakutaniのブックマーク (1)

  • Asakusa ruby

    The document discusses the concepts of labels, expertise, and practices in software development. It advocates avoiding labels and instead focusing on constantly practicing and improving through doing. Being a verb, not a noun, is emphasized over rigidly defining oneself by labels. The overall message is to distrust experts and best practices, and instead prioritize doing good.Read less

    Asakusa ruby
    kakutani 2012/03/11
    "Quick talk given to #asakusarb meeting during a vacation Zachary and I took in Tokyo, February 2012. The message is a simple one—don’t let yourself be defined by labels. Instead, be" // おまえらのためにスライドを公開してもらいましたよ!
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