いろいろカスタマイズして便利にします。 外観 デバッグコンソールなどを1つのウィンドウに統合する シミュレータでアプリを起動すると、デバッガコンソールがXcodeの後ろに隠れてしまい、いちいちフォーカスを切り替えるのが面倒。そんなときはこの設定を。 Xcode→環境設定→全般→レイアウト→オールインワン アプリ実行時にデバッガを自動的に表示する Xcode→環境設定→デバッグ→開始時→コンソールとデバッガを表示 __MY_COMPANYNAME__を変更する ファイルを新規に作成する時にファイル作成者の情報等が自動生成されるが__MY_COMPANYNAME__が気持ち悪い。そんな時は、コンソールから以下のコマンドを叩く。YourNameHereを表示したい名前に置き換えて。 ?View Code SHELLdefaults write com.apple.Xcode PBXCu
Please note: this article is part of the older "Objective-C era" on Cocoa with Love. I don't keep these articles up-to-date; please be wary of broken code or potentially out-of-date information. Read "A new era for Cocoa with Love" for more. The Foundation framework provides all the tools you need for inter-thread communication — without needing to handling locks and synchronization yourself. I'll
Please note: this article is part of the older "Objective-C era" on Cocoa with Love. I don't keep these articles up-to-date; please be wary of broken code or potentially out-of-date information. Read "A new era for Cocoa with Love" for more. This week I'll talk about methods that take variable numbers of arguments, also known as variadic methods. I'll show you the Objective-C syntax and implementa
Thanks to the ability to have configurations in a Core Data Managed Object Model and being able to save data to multiple Persistent Stores, it is possible to have a Core Data Model that is constructed from not only an internal model, but from the models of all the plug-ins that are loaded into the application. In this example we are going to build a basic application with the following requirement
Mock objects for Objective-C Stubs – return values for specific method invocations Dynamic Mocks – verify interaction patterns Partial Mocks – overwrite methods of existing objects Adding OCMock to your project Download a release from the downloads page. For iOS development add the static library to your test target. This is described in detail on the iOS page. For OS X development simply add OCMo
Over the years the inadequacy of Ruby’s main implementation has led to the creation of several alternatives. The greatest common divisor between these is an attempt to improve the performance of Ruby, both in terms of time and space. But every Ruby implementation has another, deeper reason for being. For example, Ruby 1.9.1 is a refactoring of the language that provides the chance to incorporate s
Friday, March 13, 2009 Debugging I've been wanting do to a post on using the Debugger in Xcode, since that's a topic that had to be cut from the book. Knowing how to debug gets to be rather important as you start writing your own programs, especially as those programs get to be bigger and more complex. Unfortunately, I'm heads down right now trying to get caught up on a couple of different things,
・Preferences Utilities(CFPreferences) APIでplistから読み出したCFString(NSStringにキャスト)。 ・main関数の引数からstringWithUTF8Stringで作成したNSString。 この2つが、同じ文字列のはずなのにどうしてもisEqualToStringがNOを返す場合がある。 それは、文字列が日本語で濁点を含む場合。 何故?と思ってリファレンス見たらNSLiteralSearchだった! 知らないで使ってたなぁ。試してみた限りでは、 [NSString isEqualToString:] [NSString isEqual:] [NSString compare: options:NSLiteralSearch] この3つが同じ。 そして、[NSString compare:] とは違う。ってことだな。 あああああー
SMS-lån uten sikkerhet: Slik skiller det seg fra andre lån Det finnes en rekke ulike typer lån det er mulig å søke om. Boliglån, studielån og billån er alle eksempler på lån man kan ta opp her i Norge. Lånetyper som forbrukslån og SMS-lån er eksempler på lån man effektivt kan få utbetalt, og som heller ikke trenger være så vanskelige å få innvilget. Det er mange utstedere som innvilger slike lån,
A brief history 1998. OCunit is written by Sen:te in March from Kent Beck’s description of the Smalltalk frameworkand Objective C becomes one of the first language to benefit from this approach to testing. The framework is published in May. In November Project Builder (an ancestor of Xcode) integration is total: tests are discovered and executed automatically when the project is compiled, and erro
Please note: this article is part of the older "Objective-C era" on Cocoa with Love. I don't keep these articles up-to-date; please be wary of broken code or potentially out-of-date information. Read "A new era for Cocoa with Love" for more. This is a discussion of high-level application design in Cocoa that aims to explain the major class roles in an AppKit application and how they are connected.
File names for categories should include the name of the class being extended, e.g. GTMNSString+Utils.h or GTMNSTextView+Autocomplete.h Within a source file, Objective-C++ follows the style of the function/method you're implementing. In order to minimize clashes between the differing naming styles when mixing Cocoa/Objective-C and C++, follow the style of the method being implemented. If you're in