
2010年7月27日のブックマーク (1件)

  • Training Rats To Save Lives • APOPO

    THE PROBLEMOver 60 countries are contaminated with hidden landmines and other explosive remnants of war, that cause tragic accidents and hamper communities from developing their productive land. Meanwhile, slow and inaccurate detection methods make tuberculosis the world’s most deadly infectious disease. 10.6 million new people contracted TB in 2022, 3.1 million went undiagnosed, and 1.3 million d

    Training Rats To Save Lives • APOPO
    kapanda 2010/07/27
    [NPO}地雷や結核菌を探知する鼠 / 日本にはニセ科学を探知する猫たちが揃っている。