
ブックマーク / blog.x.com (5)

  • Goodbye, Fleets

    We built Fleets as a lower-pressure, ephemeral way for people to share their fleeting thoughts. We hoped Fleets would help more people feel comfortable joining the conversation on Twitter. But, in the time since we introduced Fleets to everyone, we haven’t seen an increase in the number of new people joining the conversation with Fleets like we hoped. Because of this, on August 3, Fleets will no l

    Goodbye, Fleets
    karur4n 2021/07/15
  • Twitter for Mac is coming back!

    What's the news? Last week, Apple announced Project Catalyst for macOS 10.15 Catalina, which makes it easy for developers to bring their iPad projects to macOS as native Mac apps. We are excited that Project Catalyst will enable us to bring Twitter back to the Mac by leveraging our existing iOS codebase. We’ll also be able to add native Mac features on top of our existing iPad experience, while ke

    Twitter for Mac is coming back!
    karur4n 2019/06/17
  • 今後の予定:140文字をより活用できるように

    Twitterは140文字のテキストだけのサービスとして始まり、その後、写真や動画、ハッシュタグ、Vineなども使えるサービスに進化してきました。ここ数ヶ月には、投票機能や、GIF検索、タイムライン上でのPeriscopeの視聴などもできるようにしました。 昔に比べるとツイートでいろいろなことができるようになってはきましたが、さらにもう少し便利にしたいと思います。そこで、これから数ヶ月の間に、140文字の数え方に少し変更を加えます。返信ツイートの@ユーザー名や、写真や動画、GIFや投票などの添付物は140文字に含まれないようになります。 返信:誰かのツイートへの返信の際、ツイート冒頭に表示されていた@ユーザー名が文字数としてカウントされなくなります。よって、140文字すべてを自由に使ってメッセージを伝えられるようになります。 添付:写真、GIF画像、動画、投票、引用ツイート分なども140文

  • Hearts on Twitter

    We hope you like what you see on Twitter and Vine today: hearts! We are changing our star icon for favorites to a heart and we’ll be calling them likes. We want to make Twitter easier and more rewarding to use, and we know that at times the star could be confusing, especially to newcomers. You might like a lot of things, but not everything can be your favorite. The heart, in contrast, is a univers

    Hearts on Twitter
    karur4n 2015/11/04
    “You might like a lot of things, but not everything can be your favorite.”
  • Introducing TweetDeck Teams

    Introducing TweetDeck Teams, a simple way to share access to your Twitter accounts without sharing passwords. The feature is starting to roll out today on TweetDeck for web, Chrome and Windows. TweetDeck Teams is a simple solution to Twitter account sharing. It enables you to delegate access to as many people as you like, and remove accounts when they no longer need access. In order to use this ne

    Introducing TweetDeck Teams
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