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  • IGCC - IGCC - Andy Balaam Home

    Interactive GCC Interactive GCC (igcc) is a real-eval-print loop (REPL) for C/C++ programmers. It can be used like this: $ ./igcc g++> int a = 5; g++> a += 2; g++> cout << a << endl; 7 g++> --a; g++> cout << a << endl; 6 g++> It is possible to include header files you need like this: $ ./igcc g++> #include <vector> g++> vector<int> myvec; g++> myvec.push_back( 17 ); g++> printf( "%d\n", myvec.size

    kasumani 2014/02/22
    Interactive GCC Interactive GCC (igcc) is a real-eval-print loop (REPL) for C/C++ programmers. The cstdio, iostream and string headers are automatically included, and the std namespace is automatically in scope. Tags: from Pocket February 22, 2014 at 10:19AM via IFTTT
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