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  • Japanese dictionary removes heteronormative definitions of love and sex

    » Japanese dictionary removes heteronormative definitions of love and sex Featured One of Japan’s leading dictionaries has made a significant (and arguably long overdue) step towards acknowledging and normalizing homosexuality by revising the entries for words relating to love and sex. They have removed restrictive references to these feelings existing only between a man and a woman, opening up th

    Japanese dictionary removes heteronormative definitions of love and sex
    kazuko-9195 2014/11/27
    国語辞典の「恋」の説明とかから、男女間の、、。と言う言葉が削除されたらしい。娘に見せたら、3次元には興味ないって。 2次元のものに恋する場合も、「人」の中に含まれるのかな? / Japanese di...
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