Intimate stories and surprising truths about nature, science and the human experience in a podcast the size of the planet.
日程 2014年7月18日(金) 時間 13:30 - 14:20 会場 ブースE (郡山総合体育館 1階 小体育館) 座長・司会座長)土井 孝志:1 1:白河厚生総合病院外科 症例は64歳男性.自慰行為中に自宅にあった湯呑みを肛門に挿入したが,自力で摘出できず腹痛が増悪したため当院救急外来を受診した.3D-CTでは骨盤底に嵌まり込んだ湯呑みが確認できた.湯呑みは7×7×8.5cmと大きく,外来での摘出は困難であった.腰椎麻酔で肛門括約筋を弛緩させ経肛門的に摘出を試みたが,摘出困難であり開腹手術に移行した.腹腔内から圧迫することで経肛門的に摘出を試みたが,湯呑みは小骨盤腔で仙骨のカーブに沿って嵌頓し微動だにしなかった.腹膜翻転部より肛門側に位置していたため,肛門側から圧排し腹腔内へ移動させた後に腸管を切開して湯のみを摘出することとした.しかし,同様に嵌頓した湯呑みは口側方向へも全く動かなか
Scientists are investigating the epigenetics of fatherhood: how a man’s experiences can alter his sperm, and whether those changes in turn may alter his children.Credit...Dann Tardif/LWA, via Corbis In 2013, an obese man went to Hvidovre Hospital in Denmark to have his stomach stapled. All in all, it was ordinary bariatric surgery — with one big exception. A week before the operation, the man prov
Many people have some level of colour deficiency but an island where a tenth of the population is totally colour-blind gives us some fascinating insights, writes Michael Mosley. When we were living in London my wife Clare, who is a GP, saw a patient who was an engineer for the London Underground. He had applied for a promotion and been asked to get a medical. As part of that medical she tested his
You may think your body and mind are your own. In fact, you are a fusion of many organisms - including, potentially, another person. Words by David Robson, photography by Ariko Inaoka. This story is part of BBC Future’s “Best of 2015” list, our greatest hits of the year. Browse the full list. Once upon a time, your origins were easy to understand. Your dad met your mum, they had some fun, and from
Recently, a team of pathologists at Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands carried out an experiment that might seem doomed to failure. They collected tissue from 26 women who had died during or just after pregnancy. All of them had been carrying sons. The pathologists then stained the samples to check for Y chromosomes. Essentially, the scientists were looking for male cells in femal
Jesus Aceves was born with a rare condition that means he has thick hair all over his face. About 30 members of his family also have hypertrichosis making them almost certainly the hairiest family in human history. They feature in a documentary Chuy, The Wolf Man by film-maker Eva Aridjis which is being released in Mexico this month. As a child, the thick, dark hair that covers his entire face qui
This is part of BBC Future’s “Best of 2015” list, our greatest hits of the year, including: On my washing machine, there is a lock. To activate it, you must hold down the start button for a particular length of time at just the right intensity; too soft and nothing happens, too hard and the machine beeps angrily at you. Once you’ve mastered the technique, it’s easy; the lights switch on, things st
Thank you for visiting Mosaic. Wellcome's digital platform dedicated to long-form journalism about science and health was active between 2014 and 2019 and has now closed. We want to thank you for your support and engagement with Mosaic over the years. We’d also like to thank the writers, editors, artists, photographers and fact-checkers who made it all possible. While Mosaic is no longer available
Human beings are unusual in that our mouths are surrounded by hypersensitive, easily-hurt pink tissue – why? Jason G Goldman investigates. They kind of flap around on the front of your face, get dried out and chapped in the winter, and occasionally get caught up between your teeth and mistaken for food. Seriously, what good are lips? Birds get on just fine without them, turtles' lips have hardened